Wednesday 17 December 2008

अच्छी पत्रिकाओं के IEEE है, IEE है, WSEAS पत्रिकाओं और कई दूसरों रहे हैं! अच्छा सम्मेलनों के IEEE

सभी WSEAS सदस्यों के लिए:
तुम जहाँ आप अपने कागजात जमा सावधान रहना चाहिए!
अच्छी पत्रिकाओं के IEEE है, IEE है, WSEAS पत्रिकाओं और कई दूसरों रहे हैं! अच्छा सम्मेलनों के IEEE है, IEE है, WSEAS पत्रिकाओं और कई दूसरों रहे हैं!
सावधान रहें. वहाँ कुछ सम्मेलनों और कुछ पत्रिकाओं संदिग्ध गुणवत्ता के (हम इस सूची को यहाँ रिपोर्ट करने के लिए) चाहते हैं कि केवल या तो निर्दोष नहीं निर्दोष लेखकों से पैसा बनाने के लिए कर रहे हैं.
इस WSEAS सदस्यों कृपया इन पत्रिकाओं के लिए कागज भेजने से बचने के लिए अनुरोध कर रहे हैं.
सावधान, कुछ अमरीका में इन पत्रिकाओं के (जो भी महत्वपूर्ण समितियों द्वारा) के कागजात SCIgen मशीन द्वारा उत्पन्न स्वीकार किए जाते हैं प्रायोजन मिला है. सौभाग्य से, कुछ एमआईटी छात्रों को इन गैर सम्मेलनों की समीक्षा की पता चलता है.

हम यह है कि WSEAS सम्मेलनों समस्याओं का इस तरह के प्रकार और समकक्ष समीक्षा अनुभवी कभी नहीं किया है पर गर्व कर रहे हैं
कागज के विश्वविद्यालयों द्वारा कि मेजबान और WSEAS सम्मेलनों को प्रायोजित किया जाता है.
उनमें से कुछ हैं: कैम्ब्रिज विश्वविद्यालय के (यूके), हार्वर्ड विश्वविद्यालय (अमरीका) एमआईटी (यूएसए) के, चीन Jiliang विश्वविद्यालय (चीन), बीजिंग Jiaotong विश्वविद्यालय (चीन), विश्वविद्यालय पेरिस-Sud (फ्रांस), फेडरल विश्वविद्यालय UFRN, ( ब्राजील), रोमानी विज्ञान अकादमी के (रोमानिया), Univ. Politecnica बुकुरेस्टी के (रोमानिया), तकनीकी विश्वविद्यालय सोफिया (बुल्गारिया) के, तिआनजिन विश्वविद्यालय के प्रौद्योगिकी और शिक्षा (चीन) विश्वविद्यालय पश्चिम भारत के (ट्रिनिडाड और टोबैगो), राष्ट्रीय तकनीकी विश्वविद्यालय एथेंस (ग्रीस) की, विश्वविद्यालय Cantabria, Santander की , (स्पेन), Zhejiang Univ. मैड्रिड विश्वविद्यालय Alcala की प्रौद्योगिकी (चीन), (स्पेन) के

तो, WSEAS सदस्यों, सावधान रहना, गैर करने के लिए कागजात नहीं भेज कर-की समीक्षा सम्मेलनों कि SCIgen के कागजात स्वीकार करते हैं
बहुत धन्यवाद
क्रिसमस की शुभकामनाएँ

सभी सर्वश्रेष्ठ


Nikos Mastorakis

* प्रोफेसर, तकनीकी विश्वविद्यालय सोफिया का,

* मानद प्रोफेसर, विश्वविद्यालय Cluj, रोमानिया के

* पुरस्कार उत्कृष्टता के रोमानी अकादमी विज्ञान, बुकुरेस्टी की ओर से,

* प्रोफेसर ने ASEI (सैन्य संस्थानों विश्वविद्यालय शिक्षा के) में,
ग्रीक नौसेना अकादमी, ग्रीस

Saturday 24 May 2008

WSEAS FEEDBACK COMMENTS 2008 (Last Updated by WSEAS March 3, 2008). In the Same Post (SCROLL DOWN): Photos from the WSEAS Conferences in Sofia. WSEAS and ISI. WSEAS Conferences


WSEAS FEEDBACK COMMENTS 2008 (Last Updated, March 3, 2008)

see also comments from previous years:


See the total list with your impressions from the WSEAS Conferences and
within 2007:
and 2006

WSEAS will publish yours comments

) and will circulate them in a


From: "Lotfi Zadeh" <>


I should like to suggest two possibilities:

1. Fuzzy Logic Systems, Origin, Concepts and Trends
2. From Search Engines to Question-Answering Systems--The Problems
of World Knowledge, Relevance, Deduction and Precisiation

The first lecture is general in nature and is intended for an
audience which has little if any familiarity with fuzzy logic. The
second lecture is somewhat more specialized but still of general
interest because everybody uses search engines. Please choose that
lecture which fits best the WSEAS audience.

With my warm regards,


Lotfi Zadeh
Lotfi A. Zadeh
Professor in the Graduate School, Computer Science Division
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences
University of California
Berkeley, CA 94720 -1776
Director, Berkeley Initiative in Soft Computing (BISC)

734 Soda Hall #1776
Computer Science Division
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences
University of California
Berkeley, CA 94720-1776
Tel.(office): (510) 642-4959
Fax (office): (510) 642-1712
Tel.(home): (510) 526-2569
Fax (home): (510) 526-2433

BISC Homepage URLs:
URL: http://www-bisc.cs.berkeley/


From: David Staelin <>


Here is the abstract for my keynote talk.

Generic Issues in Remote Sensing Retrievals: Examples from Passive Microwave
Satellite Sensing of Precipitation


Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

Room 26-341, 77 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02139



From: "Dr. Sunil R. Das" <>
Cc: <>; <>

Dear Prof Mastorakis, Executive Director of the WSEAS

We are back in Ottawa from Tenerife via Madrid
yesterday evening. I caught a bad cold while in Madrid and was not in
a situation even to open my computer and check my mails which I was
not doing since we left Ottawa on Dec 12. I just opened my email and
found your such a humble letter. I must tell you at the very outset
that I am extremely lucky to have known such an eminent scholar and
great human being like you ! It is indeed a great opportunity in my
life. I wish I should have known you long before.
I was greatly honored to receive your kind call from the European WSEAS
in Greece in my
hotel in Tenerife that day, specially because of the fact that your
wife was not very well and you still took the trouble of calling me
personally. I am greatly obliged.

I do sincerely hope I would have many more chances in future to attend your
WSEAS conferences and specially to be meeting you personally in some of
those WSEAS Events

The WSEAS conferences are walways organized in a terrific way and we all
enjoyed the superb atmosphere and hospitality of WSEAS organizers.

Wishing a speedy recovery of Mrs Mastorakis and with our best
personal regards to you and your Mrs, SUNIL

Professor Sunil R. Das,
IEEE Fellow

Faculty of Engineering
University of Ottawa,
Ottawa, Ontario K1N 6N5, Canada
Department of Computer and Information Science,
College of Arts and Sciences
Troy University, Montgomery, AL 36103, U. S. A.


From: "Irwin W. Sandberg" <>
To: "Nikos Mastorakis" <>
Sent: Sunday, April 09, 2006 6:20 PM
Subject: Re: WSEAS

The WSEAS - University of Harvard conference was excellent and

Best wishes,
Prof. Irwin W. Sandberg
IEEE Fellow


From: "Rao, Kamisetty R" <>

Of course, I want to participate again in WSEAS Conferences.
Thanks for your prompt and favorable response. I will go ahead with
airline reservations.

Dr. K.R. Rao IEEE Fellow
E.E. Dept, UTA, 416 Yates Street
Box 19016
Arlington, TX 76019 USA
Fax; 1-817-272-2253,


From: "Ronald R. Yager" <>

I wish to serve on the International Scientific
Committee for the WSEAS Conferences in 2008

Professor Ronald R. Yager
IEEE Felow
Iona College


From: "Alberto Isidori" <>

I already regularly receive infos about the activity of WSEAS.
With my best regards

Prof. Alberto Isidori
IEEE Fellow

From: "Witold Pedrycz" <>

I will be pleased to serve on the Committee of the WSEAS Conferences
Prof. Witold Pedrycz
IEEE Fellow


From: Prof. C. Sidney Burrus <>

It was very good to meet you at the WSEAS conference last week. I
met some very interesting people who had serious interests in
Connexions. Perhaps the presentation would be good for some other groups.

I am attaching a paper that I wrote on the background of Connexions.

Sidney Burrus

Prof. C. Sidney Burrus
IEEE Fellow
Rice University, Houston
Texas, USA


From: "Jim Bezdek" <>

I can be on the WSEAS scientific committee.


Prof. Jim Bezdek
IEEE Fellow

Computer Science Dept.
University of West Florida
11000 University Parkway
Pensacola, FL
Office Phone: (850) 474-2545
Office Fax: (850) 857-6056
Email :


From: "Janusz Kacprzyk" <>

I wish you and your WSEAS family Merry Christmas and a Happy, Healthy and
Prosperous New Year. I hope to meet you next year.
Thanks so much for your kind support and for your great work for the
entire scientific community .

Warm wishes and regards

Prof. Janusz KAcprzyk
IEEE Fellow


From <>


Thanks for inviting me.

Sincerly yours,
Bor-sen Chen
Professor , IEEE Fellow
Department of Electrical Engineering
and Computer Science, National Tsing Hua University
Hsinchu, 30013, Taiwan
Phone +886 3 573 1155
Fax +886 3 571 5971


From: "Steven Collicott" <>

Thank you. It is always a pleasure to attend the WSEAS Conferences

Professor Steven H. Collicott
School of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Purdue University
West Lafayette, IN 47907 USA
(See also:



From: "Kinshuk" <>

Really many thanks for your nice conference and the high quality


Prof. Kinshuk
IEEE Fellow


From: "Anil K. Kulkarni" <>

I would like to submit an abstract for
a possible plenary lecture for the 6th IASME / WSEAS Int. Conf. on HEAT
However, (i) I would like to have an extension, and (ii) I would like to
talk with you about the conference. Can you please send me your
telephone number?
The WSEAS Conferences are well known and well organized
Thank you,

Anil K. Kulkarni
Professor of Mechanical Engineering
334 Leonhard Building
The Pennsylvania State University
University Park, PA 16802
(814) 865 7073; Fax(814) 865 9693


From: Prof. Manikas <>


Many Thanks for the nice conference of last year in Vouliagmeni

Best regards

Professor A. Manikas, Senior MIEEE, Fellow IEE
Communications & Signal Processing Research,
Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering,
Imperial College London,
South Kensington Campus, London SW7 2AZ, UK.

Tel. +44 (0)20 759 46266 Fax. +44 (0)20 759 46333
Email: <>


From: "Roy Perryman" <>

What I wanted to know was how long you would like Professor Dodds and me to
talk for in our plenary presentation for the conference of WSEAS in the
University of Cambridge
Best regards and congratulations for this great event

Prof. Roy Perryman


From: "Mario Spremic" <>

Dear WSEAS organizers,

The WSEAS conferences in Tenerife were successfull. As a contributor and a
chair session at ISP and e-ACTIVITIES, I personally find it perfectly
organized and well attended (as far as sessions in which I was chair are
concerned). Thanks for the invitation for extended version publication that
could possibly published
in your prestigious international journals after additional evaluation and
further review.

I'd like to be a member of the International Scientific Committee for both
conferences (ISP and E-ACTIVITIES).

Also, beeing a session chairman at ISP and E-ACTIVITIES conferences in
Tenerife, I thank you very much

Many thanks again

Best regards,

Prof. Mario Spremic
Academic Director of EBIP
University of Zagreb
Faculty of Economics & Business Zagreb
Department of Information Systems
Trg J. F. Kennedy-a 6, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Phone: (00385-1) 2383-278
Fax: (00385-1) 2335-633


From: "Dr. Jurij Krope" <>

I and dr. Goricanec coming again in the excellent WSEAS
conference on Water Resources Hydraulics & Hydrology, which will be in the
University of Cambridge, February 23-25, 2008.

I hope to see you there.

Best regards, Jurij

Prof. Dr. Jurij Krope


From: "Alexander Mikolaichuk" <>

Unfortunately I cannot participate in your prestigious WSEAS conference
because there were problems
with health. Your conference theme is identical to a
direction of researches of my department and I hope to see you next year.
I hope to receive the letter with the book and CD- disk from you.

My institute the address is below
Sincerely yours
Alexander Mikolaichuk

Dr., Alexander V. Mikolaichuk
Head of Geodynamics and Geohazards Department
Central Asian Institute for Applied Geosciences
Timur Frunze Str. 73/2, Bishkek,Kyrgyzstan,720027
tel.: +996 (312) 55 62 62; +996 (312) 55 57 75
fax: +996 (312) 55 52 22

Digital geological maps of Kyrgyzstan


From: "Cui Tao" <>

I would be happy to submit a paper to the WSEAS ACACOS '08. I am currently
on a paper about Web services for ontology generations. If I can finish by
the deadline, I plan to submit the paper to the conference.

I addition, I would like to participate more to the WSEAS society. I saw you
are calling for reviewers. I am interested in serving as a reviewer and
communicating more with the researchers around the world. Please let me
know what I can do to contribute more to the WSEAS society and what I should
do to become a reviewer.


Cui Tao


From: "Beny Neta" <>

I am sorry, but I have a post doc visiting for 3 months during that time and
I will not be able to attend the meeting of WSEAS this time

Thank you for reminding me.
Prof. Beny Neta
Depert.of Mathematics
Naval Postgraduate School


From: "Ezendu Ariwa" <>

Dear Sir/Madam

Thanks for your good work in WSEAS

I am happy to join the Conference Committee and review papers

In addition, I am happy to join the Panel of discussants as well as
promoting the conference in the Universities and Allied Institutions
in the UK

Kindly send me a flyer and information on the submission deadline.

I look forward to your reply

Prof. Ezendu Ariwa


From: "cris" <>
To: "Tuan Pham" <>

Dear Professor:
Thank you for your time.
I have already got prompt answers from WSEAS yesterday. I appreciate
all your hard work. And I am so glad that my two papers were accepted in
your journal. I would cherish the opportunity and do better than ever to
contribute more.

Jinyin Chen


From: "Veluchandhar Vadivelu" <>

Thankyou Sir,

I like the WSEAS Conferences on Databases and Distributed Computing very
(Univ. of Cambridge, Plenary Speech of Prof. Zadeh)



From: "Hu Zhao Guang" <>

I will make my registration and transfer the registration fee to WSEAS
Conference soon.
May be it will take some days. Best

Zhaoguang Hu


From: "george carutasu" <>

First I have to say that I keep very nice memories from Vouliagmeni, past
year. It was a very succesfull conference linked unfortunely with a great
human tragedy on your nation, so if you have other initiative to help those
people, please do it.

Regarding your invitation to present an invited paper on Sofia, I kindly
please you to not consider as a rejection, in my university being the
election, so I can not be present on Sofia at that time.

If you find properly I can:

1. Submit a peper on Sofia, but because of the reason explained above I
could not be present
2. Being present and submit a paper on 9th WSEAS Int. Conf. on AUTOMATION
3. Being present and submit a paper on 8th WSEAS Int. Conf. on APPLIED

Please notice that a similar message was sent to Prof. Dweikat and let me
know about your choice.

I finished with a great respect for your work and achievements as
organization and persons,
Best regards,

Prof. George Carutasu


From: "William W Liou" <>

Thanks for your invitation. I am quite honored to be invited to
participate in your prestigious WSEAS conferences.
I will be able to attend. I hope you have a wonderful and successful WSEAS


Bill Liou

William W. Liou, Ph.D
Professor, Department of Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering
Director, Center for Advanced Vehicle Design and Simulation (CAViDS)
M.S. 5343, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI 49008
Tel. : (269) 276-3430,
Fax : (269) 276-3421,


From: "Van Treuren, Kenneth W." <>

Please continue to send me information about the WSEAS
and I will let you know when the opportunity arises. Thank you.



From: "OMARY Fouzia" <>

Thank you very much for your message.
Wish you to have one more succesful WSEAS event

Dr F. Omary


From: "Daphne Halkias, PhD" <>

We would like to present it either the first or at latest second day of
the brilliant
WSEAS symposium.

Thanks and best wishes for you and WSEAS

Daphne Halkias
Paper ID number: 577-727.doc

Authors: Daphne Halkias, Marios Katsioloudes, Garry Clayton, Geofrey T.

Daphne Halkias, PhD
Visiting Professor
Senior Research Fellow
Consultant for Special Projects to the Executive Vice President
Hellenic American University
Athens Campus
12 Kaplanon Street
Athens, Greece 10680
Tel: +306932492344
Fax: +302103633174


From: <>

I will contact you soon about our paper. Best Regards to you and to all the
WSEAS People



From: <>

Dear Prof. Bose

My best regards to you and to WSEAS also



From: "Dr. T. J. Majumdar" <>

I have Received your mail.
Best wishes for the WSEAS for a very happy new year 2008. Regards,

TJ Majumdar


From: "mircea boscoianu" <>

we will sent the 5 papers for the WSEAS Conference!!!
There are a lot of young PhD students in Aerospace Eng interested to
in WSEAS Conferences
We will select the papers in the first half of Janary and sent to WSEAS

Prof. Mircea Boscoianu
Technical Military Academy
Bucharest, Romania


From: "Professor Kenzu Abdella" <>

I will soon send you several new papers topublish them in WSEAS from
colleagues. I think
this will be an exciting WSEAS conference and I am looking forward to it.

Dr. Kenzu Abdella
Department of Mathematics
Application of Modelling Graduate Program

Office: Peter Gzowski College, Room 339
Phone : 705-748-1011-Ext 7327
Fax: 705-748-1155


From: <>

The year 2008 is coming. Happy new year to you and to the WSEAS!
Wish you and your family healthy, happy and lucky
in the nice year of 2008! Also wish WSEAS will have
more and greater success in 2008!

Best regards

Xiaodong Zhuang

Ph.D., Associate Professor
Electronics & Engineering Dept.
Qingdao University, China


From: "Vijayan Iyer Gurumurthy" <>

I am sure that the WSEAS Conferences of 2008 will be more and more

Vijayan Gurumurthy iyer


From: "Hans-Inge Persson" <>

Thank you very much for your efforts in WSEAS

Of course it/s possible and you have my permission to make a link to our
website (the Swedish Agency for Flexible Learning, CFL).
I/ll send you my PowerPoints in March-April if you like to publish them in
advance or afterwords.
Kindest regards
Hans-Inge Persson
Director General


From: "Manoj K. Jha" <>

I will send you some high-quality papers to the WSEAS Conference
I will review them and accept five best papers, which I will upload on the
conference website
I hope to see you in Greece
in July.

Best regards

Prof. Manoj K. Jha


From: "Irina Zheliazkova" <>


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Irina Zheliazkova
Dept. of Computer Systems and Technologies
University of Rousse
8 Studentska Str., 7017 Rousse, BULGARIA
Tel. (+359 82) 888 744, Fax (+359 82) 455 145


From: "habib sammouda" <>

I hope well to collaborate even more inside the WSEAS
during this year 2008.

Prof. Habib Sammouda


From: <>

Thank you very much for that good news, I am still interested in sending
a paper and attending the WSEAS Conference in Cambridge (Great Britain)
or in Cambridge, MA (USA). It is important that WSEAS and University of
Harvard coorganize
a conference. Also, I found another WSEAS Conference that are organized
between WSEAS and MIT

I would like to send my best wishes of the Happy and Prosperus New Year,
2008, to you and the WSEAS community.

Best Regards,


Anna Walaszek-Babiszewska, Dr Sc,
prof. in The Opole University of Technology
Dep. of Control and Computer Engineering, Opole, Poland


From: "Jaime Lloret Mauri" <>

Thanks for giving us the opprotunity to publish our recent research work in

Best regards,

Jaime Lloret


From: "Konrad Domke PP" <>


ok - thanks for your efforts



From: "Prof. Urszula Ledzewicz" <>

Thank you for all the info. I will follow all the instructions and upload
high qulaity papers to the WSEAS Conference
in Crete.

Urszula Ledzewicz, Ph.D.
Professor, Dept. of Mathematics and Statistics
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Edwardsville, Illinois, 62026, USA


From: "mircea boscoianu" <>

Dear Sir,

I wish to organize with the WSEAS a common conference in Bucharest
Thank you very much again!!!

Prof dr Mircea BOSCOIANU
Prof dr Adrian COMAN
Military Technical Academy


From: Chih-Min Lin <>

The WSEAS Conference in Hangzhou was a great conference

Chih-Min Lin
Chairman and Professor
Department of Electrical Engineering, Yuan-Ze University
Chung-Li, Tao-Yuan, 320, Taiwan
Tel: 886-3-4638800 ext 2418
Fax: 886-3-4639355


From: "abdelbadeeh salem" <>

Thanks for your kind help inside the WSEAS
I think this method is better.
Many thanks for you and the WSEAS
Pl note,Till this moment my data is NOT uploaded to the web site of Crete
ICCOMP.Pl confirm.

Best regards.



From: "Maria Jelenska" <>

Greetings. Everything in WSEAS Conference in the University of Cambridge
was perfect and great

Maria Jelenska


From: "Milan Stork" <>

The WSEAS Conference in Vouliagmeni was superb and all were perfect

Milan Stork
University of West Bohemia
Czech Republic


From: <>

Dear all,

I was from 4 April to 10 April in Hangzhou, CHINA
I will be in WSEAS again August in Rhodos

I will also participate in many other WSEAS Conferences

Have a nice day!

Calin Adrian Comes


From: Prof. Lotfi Zadeh <>

Dear Olga,

Many Thanks for your help (in the WSEAS congress)
With my warm regards,


Lotfi Zadeh

Lotfi A. Zadeh
Professor in the Graduate School
Director, Berkeley Initiative in Soft Computing (BISC)

729 Soda Hall #1776
Computer Science Division
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences
University of California
Berkeley, CA 94720-1776
Tel.(office): (510) 642-4959
Fax (office): (510) 642-1712
Tel.(home): (510) 526-2569
Fax (home): (510) 526-2433

BISC Homepage URLs


From: "PAFESD Team" <>

I will try to send at least 5 papers for the WSEAS conference
Keep in touch then.

K.L. Man


From: "Remi Leandre" <>

Dear Sirs.
If you want, I can try to submitt a new paper for the WSEAS proceedings of
Many thanks and best re"gards;
Remi Leandre
P.S.: Dear Sirs.
Here you can find the paper I submitt for the proceedings. I will do the
format if the paper is accepted.
Many thanks and best regards.
Remi Leandre


From: Hung-Jen Chen <>

It is a little bit hurry for me to propose a paper to a high quality
conference like the WSEAS high quality events
But, still, I will try my best to submit my paper to a conference in near

Best Reqards

Hung-Jen Chen


From: "Fernandez Anaya Guillermo" <>

I desire to thank to you your amiable invitation,
but in this occasion is impossible to attend the WSEAS conference.
I hope in other opportunity to attend the WSEAS Conference

Best regards

Prof. Guillermo Fernandez Anaya
Department of Physics and Mathematics
University Iberoamericana
Av. Prolongacion Paseo de la Reforma 880,
Lomas de Santa Fe, CP 01210,


From: "Maryam Amiripour" <>

Actually, Professor Abachi is currently in China (attending WSEAS conference
in Hangzhou) and will be back by end of next week.

He asked me to pass his appreciation to you as well as to let you know that
he will deliver keynote speech for WSEAS conference which will be held in
July 2008 In Greece.

Again, thank you in advance and looking forward to seeing you in Greece.



From: <>

Thank you for your email. I really enjoyed the WSEAS meeting in Miami. My
schedule at the moment is too tight to visit the meetings you are
mentioning. But I will keep WSEAS meetings in mind for the future.

Rainer Spiegel


From: <>

OK! So will be. My institute site is and we will collaborate with
the excellent organization of WSEAS. My activity is shown
there. In the web site of Romania MCBE 2008 everything is OK.
Best regards,
Cornel Resteanu


From: Prof. Selma Celikyay <>

I checked the WSEAS web site. The WSEAS int. Conference on Landscape
Architecture LA 08 to be held in Portugal and the title and abstract of my
speech. Everything is PERFECT!

Sending an email , I announced the LA 08
conference to all Landscape Architecture Departments in Turkey and also
invited them to participate in the WSEAS conference, to prepare and to send
a paper to be presented in the conference.

I have arranged the workgroup of five papers with my friends in our
department. I am going to collect them from my friends and to upload. After
uploading, I will let you know their ID numbers.

Many thanks for all and a happy new year.

Assist.Prof.Dr. Selma Celikyay
Zonguldak Karaelmas University
Vice Dean of Bartin Faculty of Forestry
[Department of Landscape Architecture]


From: Prof. Abdelbadeeh Salem <>

Thanks my dear for very quick response of the WSEAS
Hope we can meet again in WSEAS Conferences of 2008.

Prof. Abdelbadeeh Salem


From: " Evzen Kindler" <>

I intend to organiz a Session in WSEAS Multiconference in Crete.
The time was needed because (1) I am a retiree and work
distant from the Ostrrava University which I collaborate as externist with,
and (2) there were Christmas vacances in our country (and some neighbour
ones) and many persons spend them at the mountains. That is also the reason
that the existence of a web-page on the section at the Ostrava university
web pages, and my formulation of the scientific committee will take some
time. At the present time, I attach the session-proposal. In the end of the
last year, I reacted namely at your announce of the naval-oriented project.
Let me allow to explain my relation to it a bit in detail.
My main interest is object-oriented simulation of the systems
that contain element(s) posessing their own abilities
(a) to generate and use simulation models and
(b) according to the results generated by the models to influence
the behavior of their environment in the modeled system.
(an example: simulation of a production system that is controled by a
placed in it and testing the quality of some automatically generated
by simulating their possible future consequences).
This interest led the persons working namely in Germany and Latvia to invite
into a team oriented to modernizing sea harbours by application of
information technology.
It is the factor that explains why a "dry ground rat" like me, who lives in
a country
(Czech republic, formerly Czechoslovakia) without sea shore, participated
at solving problems on sea harbours.
Our international team worked at two projects supported by the European
(A) COPERNICUS 1994 Project AMCAI "Application of Modern Concepts in the
Information Management in Harbours by using advanced IT-solutions"
(B) DAMAC-HP "Further Development and Practical Application of Harbour
Managing and Controling Models, Methods and Techniques" (1998-2000).
As one of the results, the team wrote two books, namely
(1) E. Blumel et al. Managing and Controlling Growing Harbour Terminals:
Application of Modern Concepts in the Automated Information Management in
Harbours by Using Advanced IT-Solutions. Published by The Society for
Simulation International, San Diego, Ghent, Erlangen, Budapest, 1997, 308
ISBN 1-56555-113-3,
(2) E. Blumel, L. Novitsky (editors): Simulation and Information Systems
Applications in Latvian Ports. Published by JUMI Ltd., Riga, Latvia, 2000.
ISBN 9984-606-73-2
I wrote one third of (1): Chapter 4, Classes for Object-Oriented Simulation
of Container
Terminals – pp. 175-278. I am sorry that since 1998 I distributed all my
author exemplars,
but I presented also many papers at conferences (among other at NAV 2000 -
Navigation 2000,
organized in Venice, and at HMS - Harbour, Maritime &amp; Industrial
Logistics Modelling and
Simulation 1999, 2000, 2002 and 2003, organized at various places of
and in journals; a certain characteristic description of my work was
presented in paper
Nesting Simulation of a Container Terminal Operating With its own Simulation
published in JORBEL (Belgian Journal of Operations Research, Statistics and
Sciences), Vol. 40, (2000, but printed 2002), No. 3/4, pp. 169-181. ISSN
0770 0512.
I attach this paper to the present mail and if you wish, do not hesitate to
demand me
to send you the demo model described in that paper.
In 2000, some members of the group oriented their interests to banking,
other to robotics,
etc. and so our collaboration in harbor problems finished. I turned my
attention to simulation
of intelligent local logistic systems in industrial processes (like
conveyors with rollers),
of hospitals and - for some months - of computer networks. But my interest
in simulation
in sea transport still exists and thus I was pleased when I had met your
message at the
web-sites of WASSET. I am still in good relations with organizers of the
Ligurian conferences
oriented to marritime logistics.
Because of my orientation to the object-oriented simulation I was invited to
the following
longer foreign stays for participating in research and presenting lectures:
(i) University of Pisa (Italy), visiting professor - one year in 1969-1970
(ii) Humboldt University (Berlin), hosting lecturer - 3 months in 1983
(iii)West-Virginia University (Morgantown), visiting professor - one year in
(iv) Blaise Pascal University (Clermont-Ferrand, France, 3 months in 1995),
invited professor
(v) Blaise Pascal University, holder of professor scholarship of French
government -
6 months in 1997-8
(vi) University of South Brittany (Lorient, France), invited professor -
one month per each year of 2003, 2004 and 2005.
In my country, until August 2006, I worked as a professor of applied
mathematics at Charles
University in Prague (Faculty of Mathematics/Physics) and at University of
Ostrava (faculty of Sciences);
since 2006 a new law on the universities holds, which gives governmental
financial resources to the
Universities only by the employees younger than 60 years; thus since
September 2006 I collaborate
with Ostrava University as an external specialist participating at research
projects and responsibility
for the doctoral students. Although I feel fresh and young, I accept it
well, as - living far in Prague -
I can so collaborate "in remote access", using e-mail communication.
And now something from a complete different component of the world around
Having seen your name and institution, I looked at the web sites of the
Hellenic Naval Academy and
there I have met an information that you also worked in Byzantine music. My
hobby is the chant of the
first millennium that could be interesting for our public, i.e. in the
Latin, Greek-Byzantine,
Palaeo-Slavic, Armenian and old Syriac Christian chant and a few
pre-Christian chants (generally in
Greek) that remained until nowadays. I have a small group of singers called
Musica Poetica, with
which we present concerts since the eighties of the XX. century. At the
concerts, we emphasize melodical
analogies among chants with mutually different geographical/linguistic
origins; we met a surprisingly
large amount of these analogies and the melodical phrases are comprehensible
even for the participants
of the public who don't know the historical languages (this is the case of
almost everyone in our
country). In the Byzantine chants, we base on the modern transcriptions
published by E. Wellesz
and his followers, but we learned also two Chrysanthian chants, namely Fos
ilaron and the introduction
to Akathistos (Ti ipermakho stratigo), and more than ten years I even
learned the basics of the
Chrysanthian notation (but I am not able to sing according to it in real
My professional orientation helped me namely in understanding the free
rhythm synthesis rules that appear
to follow context-free grammars. I am the first person who introduced the
Greek-Byzantine medieval chants
into our country (in our country, the churches of Byzantine rite use
palaeo-slavic liturgical language
and - relating to it - the old Ruthenian "prostopinie" and the polyphonic
chant of Russian roots).
I remain with my sincere greetings "Christos gennatai"

Eugene Kindler (


From: "Mirela VOICU" <>

thank you very much for your message.
Best Regards,
Mirela Voicu


From: "Adolf Grauel" <>

Dear Prof. Bose,

Thank you for your emails. Also I am so sorry. I have many things in the
scientific community to do at this time. Therefore it is not possible to
collaborate in a qualified manner with you in the organization of very
interesting WSEAS events of 2008. Best wishes to the WSEAS and the
colleagues for the conferences.

Sincerely yours
Prof. A. Grauel

Prof. Dr. habil. Adolf Grauel
Beratung & Informationstechnik
CIS Center Computational Intelligence & Cognitive Systems
Josef-Stern-Weg 3
D-59494 Soest / Germany
Phone: +49 2921 76158


From: "Metin Demiralp" <>

Dear Nikos,

I am sure, you have received a lot of wonderful impressions from the
mportant WSEAS conferences in Cairo (Egypt), Dec.2007, especially
from Mata and Dimitris and perhaps someone else. I tried to do
my best and especially tried to give an image that there is a
chairman for the global administration. I made the opening
speech and chaired plenary sessions one of which I made my pre-
sentation also. I tried to participate in sessions (mostly app-
lied mathematics sessions) as much as I can do. I gave a talk
also in the banquet and I introduced myself as your representa-
tive. During the conference I was always in the hotel and I
could see the Gisa pyramides and Cairo museum on 1 January 2008
and we come back to Istanbul in the morning of 3 January 2008.
I hope what I did there fits what you had wanted. However, I am
glad to take those responsibilites and enjoyed very much. This
might not be so good in my opinion if Mata and Dimitris would
not be there. Almost everything was in harmony and conducted by
them within a precision a good clock can have.
Beyond all these, I missed the chance to meet and have good
time with you and now I will wait for the appropriate time to
do so. Since I have had to melt down a pile of work accumulated
and waiting for me here I could not write as soon as I come
back. After having the mails Mata and Mihail send now I am con-
centrating on WSEAS issues. Within coming hours perhaps at most
tomorrow I am going to send other e-mails for the other activi-

With my best wishes and regards.


Prof. Metin Demiralp
Istanbul Technical University, Turkey


From: "kamaruz jusoff" <>

Thanks You very very much for your very prompt action and acceptance of the
two papers in your prestigious WSEAS Conferences

Best Wishes,

Prof. Jusoff Kamaruzaman


From: "luiz jose homem del-rey silva" <>
Cc: <>; <>

I am just returning from few days on holidays.

Thanks for the message and for the remind. I will continue to seek for the
interest of other colleagues in joining the conference in Malta.

The persons to whom I am sending a copy of this message normally spread
these news among our colleagues in the Brasilia University and other
universities in Brazil.

I also wish that 2008 will be a year of full acomplishment for you and your
family, together with peace and health.


Luiz D/el-Rey


From: "Galperin, Efim" <>

I have invited the following people to join us in your WSEAS Conferences
- Univ. Carlos III, Madrid, Spain
- Shanghai Univ. of science and technology, China
- Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
- Technion, Haifa, Israel
- Pontifical Univ. of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil

As to joining a group, we can discuss it at the conference.

With best wishes

Sincerely Yours,

Efim Galperin


From: "Honors" <>

All the best to you and your society WSEAS


From: "krishna" <>

I am definitely coming to the conference in Cambridge. I am also thankful
for your sending
the invitation letter. By the way, can the invitation letter be sent by post
to my address below. I again express my sincere appreciation to you and to
your WSEAS

I remain,

Sincerely yours

Dr. Krishna Neaupane (Assoc. Prof.)
Civil Engineering Program
SIIT, Thammasat University
P.O. Box 22, Thammast-Rangsit post office
Pathum Thani, 12121,


From: "k raghu babu" <>

Please accept and ack the attached file which
contains our very wamr greetings to you and to all WSEAS Staff
in USA , Europe and Asia

Sharing of knowledge is ultimate in solving
many problems of the Society.

YEAR 2008.

With regards,


From: "caraush IURA" <>

I received the CD and ISI Book from WSEAS
They are Perfect!
Thank You very much.

With best wishes



From: "Mirela VOICU" <>

Dear Professor,
accept best wishes for you and your Academic family of WSEAS.

Thank you very much for your the 9th WSEAS Int. Conf. on MATHEMATICS &

Thank you very much,
Best Regards,

Professor Mirela-Catrinel Voicu
Faculty of Economic Sciences,
West University of Timisoara,
Web Site:


From: "Alexander Gegov" <>

I will collect, review and submit many papers in the WSEAS Conferences
NN, FS, EC, MMACTEE 2008 co-organized by the WSEAS and the Technical
University of Sofia

Kind regards,

Prof. Alexander Gegov


From: "Valery M. Bespalov" <>

Thank you very much for the WSEAS Conferences in Cambridge (Great Britain)
Cambridge, M.I.T. MA (USA).
Unfortunately I lost that.
Yours truly,

Prof. Valery Bespalov


From: "Alberto Foyo" <>

I will send many papers to WSEAS Conferences in Malta

Furthermore, I have had contact with our friends in the Geological Faculty
of Madrid University and and the Civil Engineering School of the University
of La Coruna, and I invite them to collaborate in the WSEAS conferences

Best wishes
See you in Malta

Alberto Foyo


From: "Geskin, Ernest" <>

Thank you very much
Best Wishes for all the WSEAS


Professor E.s. Geskin,

New Jersey Institute of Technology
Newark, USA


From: "Vadaszne dr Bognar Gabriella" <>

The conference (of WSEAS) was great
I will send many papers again in WSEAS Conference

With my best regards

Professor Gabriella Bognar
University of Miskolc


From: "Brigitte Klug" <>

thanks a lot for offering me another possibility to publish papers of my
younger colleagues in WSEAS
I will send them (at least one) to WSEAS in time.

Yours sincerely,
Prof. Brigitte Klug


From: "Ezendu Ariwa" <>

Thanks for your good work

I am happy to join the Conference Committee and review papers including
Chairing sessions at the conference and participating in the Panel of
discussants as well as promoting the conference in the Universities and
Allied Institutions in the UK

In addition, I am interested in organising Invited Special Session (within
WSEAS) in the areas of Business Intelligence and Knowledge Management
Forensic Informatics and Financial Engineering
IT Governance and Corporate Responsibility
Facilities Management and E-Commerce

Kindly send me a flyer and information on the submission deadline.

I look forward to your reply



From: "Dheeraj Joshi" <>

Thank you very much.
With best wishes and regards for you and WSEAS
Dheeraj Joshi


From: "gley kheder" <>

I would like very much that you inform me about the publishing date of my
paper in the Springer Verlag
(after your WSEAS Conference)
I need it urgently because I am about to defend my Phd.
thank you very much for your cooperation.
yours sincerely
Gley Kheder


From: "Rozeha" <>


It was great time in WSEAS Conferences in Cairo.

Pleasantly surprised by very the high degree of member participation.
Certainly great service of WSEAS team make the conference being handled
professionally. Congratulation !
Looking forward to the next conference :)



From: "gley kheder" <>

After the very successful WSEAS Conferences of December 2007 in
Cairo, Egypt, I was really impressed.
The congress was marvelous and superb.

The Chairman and the Secretariat are very kind and helpful, and the other
scientists are willing to share their experience and assist each other.

The Conference Center was good. the Hotels are good and the place is good.


From: "Razimah Abdullah" <>

I'm now in Perth. Generally sessions in Cairo are good
All the papers were presented

Session Chairmans and the administration are great. Conference dinner was a
success. congratulations to Mata and Dimitri. Really appreciate your
Razimah Abdullah


From: "Aczel Kristof" <>

Best regards for all the WSEAS people

Kristof Aczel


From: "azami zaharim" <>

The WSEAS Conferences that you organized were pretty good
Our team will continue supporting the WSEAS
Thank You

Prof. Azami Zaharim


From: "Slobodan Babic" <>

I hope next year I could be in Crete Island for the WSEAS Conferences. I
dream many years to visit this nice island of Crete and WSEAS will be the
best opportunity

Best Regards,


Prof. Slobodan I. Babic,
Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal, Canada


From: "Zhengmao Ye" <>
Cc: <>

We are also fully WSEAS Supporters

For both WSEAS Conferences and WSEAS Transactions, the feeling left for us
now is totally "BEING
FOOLED". Anyway, the professor of WSEAS (CEO of WSEAS) is really a nice and
kind professor.

Best Wishes and Best Regards!

Prof. Zhengmao YE


From: "Pouya Derakhshan.B" <>

Thanks for your nice attentions and cooperation, I will be glad if i would
had a paper in WSEAS.i am so eager to have accompany with great WSEAS.I will
send my paper as soon as possible by this mail to.

NB: the name that you mentioned is my friends name as co-author before.

Pouya Derakhshan-Barjoei


From: "Zivic, Natasa" <>

Thank you very much for your help and your offer for the organization of the
special session.
We will try to organize it on some of these famous WSEAS Conferences in
famous universities
that collaborate with WSEAS (Harvard, Cambridge in UK and M.I.T.)

Looking forward coming to Cambridge,

best regards

Natasa Zivic

Dipl.-Ing. Natasa Zivic, Dr. ET
University of Siegen
- Institute for Data Communications Systems -
Hoelderlinstrasse 3
D-57068 Siegen / Germany
Phone: +49-271-740-3322
Fax: +49-271-740-2536


From: "Nikolai Kobasko" <>

Thank you very much for your important WSEAS Activities. I will be able to
participate only on July or at the middle of August. This year I was and I
am very busy at my home and at my job. My two little sons are attending
school and my wife is attending colleage. I should be every day at home to
help them.

We received very good results connected with the improvement of
mechanical properties of materials after intensive quenching. Many big Co
are intrested in it. One thing which slows applications of our achievements
to the practice is STANDARD issue. For example, we can quench mass
production (fasteners) in plain water instead of oil and get excellent
mechanical properties. However, nobody has right to quench fasteners in
water because standard is oil. It is not easy to change or write new
standard. That is why many our Projects are delayed and cash flow of our Co
is not enough as should be.

I discussed this issue with many key Professors and they promissed to help
in developing new standards. We can continue this discussion at the WSEAS
Conferencences. Unfortunately, heat treaters don't participate or attend our
Conferences. Usually, each heat treating conference gathers from 3000 to
5000 participants. I consider our WSEAS Conferences on "Heat Transfer,
Thermal Engineering and Environment" as the main Conference which considers
heat treating, thermal science , material science together and has high
scientific level. I will do my best to participate this year too and attract
more heat treaters to participate.
E-mails and addresses of key specialists I will send to WSEAS soon

Dr. Nikolai Kobasko
Director of technology and R&D of IQ Technologies Inc,
655 S. Broadway, Akron, Ohio 44311, USA,
Tele/Fax 216.381.8159.
Also President of Intensive Technologies Ltd, Kiev, Ukraine.


From: <>

I participated in WSEAS ACACOS '08 held in China. Unfortunately, due to my
submission of my thesis this period I will not be able to participate in the
Conference in Sofia, Bulgaria. Thank you very much again for the invitation.

Nikolaos Gazepidis

From: "Kvetoslav Belda" <>

thank you very much for your invitation, it would be
my pleasure to be one of WSEAS invited authors.
In the future (it may be only next year; now
I cannot say anything precisely), I hope to have
a possibility to contribute to WSEAS again
as a regular author.

Thank you for your understanding.

Yours sincerely
Kvetoslav Belda

P.S.: I am very sorry for my delayed response,
I cannot answer sooner.

Ing. Kvetoslav BELDA, Ph.D.
Department of Adaptive Systems
Institute of Information Theory and Automation
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
Pod Vodarenskou vezi 4
182 08 Prague 8 - Liben
Czech Republic


From: "Helmut Jaberg" <>

I tackle to submit a paper for the Rhodes WSEAS conferences in August (2008)
As you know I have been a frequent participant in the WSEAS conferences
and I should be happy to accept an invitation for a later confernce.
Kind regards
Helmut Jaberg
Pumpen-Praktikerkonferenz 2008 (31.3.- 2.4.2008)
Fernstudium zum Pumpenfachingenieur mit Referenten aus der Praxis
Besuchen Sie / Visit Graz:


From: "Osvaldo Cairo" <>

Hi, I had an accepted paper in last WSEAS Conference in China Conference and
I will be also in WSEAS events in Bulgaria, Turkey, etc.
Best regards,
Dr. Osvaldo Cairo


From: "Kostas Chelmis" <>

I fully agree with you to keep publishing only papers of high quality and
scientific interest in WSEAS Conferences.
As you know I am still at the Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey CA
(sabbatical) but I will return on the 7th of May and I could participate
to WSEAS activities again.
Best regards

Prof. Costas Helmis
Department of Physics
University of Athens


From: <>

I am very interested on the WSEAS Conferences and I hope I will have many
similar opportunities in the near future.

Sincerely yours,

Prof. Diana Ioana Popescu

Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Faculty of Machine Building


From: <>

Thank You for this conference
Sincerely Yours,
Aruna Tripathy


From: "Nicu" <>

Dear Prof. Mastorakis,

As I write you, few times, for me is a honor to offer the possibility to
send an invited paper.
I know how substantial is the effort for organizing a WSEAS important

Thanks you again!

Prof. Nicu Bizdoaca


From: "Nodari Vakhania" <>

How can i publish my papers in the journals after your important and nice

Nodari Vakhania


From: <>

I would be pleased to serve on the International Scientific Committees of
WSEAS Conferences.

Regards, Earl Swartzlander
Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Texas
Austin, TX 78712 USA


From: "Constantine Dafermos" <>

Dear Prof. Mastorakis

I accept to be Plenary Speaker

Best wishes,
Constantine Dafermos


From: "N Sundararajan (Prof)" <>

Please,include my name in the WSEAS International Scientific Committee



From: "Christian Bouquegneau" <>

Thank you very much for sending me the WSEAS program.

Of course, I will give the Plenary Lecture

Looking forward to meeting you soon,
with my best regards,

Prof. Dr Ir Christian BOUQUEGNEAU,
Pro-recteur de la FPMs
Rue de Houdain, 9,
B-7000 MONS (Belgium)
Phone: 32 65 374040
Fax: 32 65 374045


From: Professor Dr. Akshai Aggarwal <>

I am pleased to say that my experience with WSEAS has been highly
positive. I have also seen many stalwarts like Lotfi Zadeh, Bimal K.
Bose, Rao Kamissety, Ronald Yager, Narsingh Deo at WSEAS conferences. As
the Chairman of the WSEAS Grid Computing group, I have found that many
eminent persons in the area are members of the group. I have myself
reviewed papers for WSEAS and I have seen that the review process is quite
fair and thorough. I have also found that the conferences provide a very
convivial and friendly environment. As such I would say that the
academicians should embrace WSEAS conferences and WSEAS journals for
their research work.

Professor Dr. Akshai Aggarwal
School of Computer Science
University of Windsor


From: "Javed Ahmed" <>

I enjoyed your lecture and your highly attended conference in Cairo

More and More People from Pakistan will attend the WSEAS Conferences
in 2008 * 2009
i am attaching several pictures from the conference

keep in touch....


Javed A. baloch


From: "Gjengedal Terje" <>

Thank you very much for the detailed programme of WSEAS Conferences in the
University of Cambridge

Since I am the final speaker of the conference I will arrive on Monday
morning and leave on Monday evening.

Kind regards to all the WSEAS People
Terje Gjengedal


From: "Olga Martin" <>

Thank you very much for your nice letter and the information sent to me.
Unfortunately, there has been some changes in my research activity and

I thank very much to the WSEAS board for understanding and accepting
of my paper in the conference program.

I would be glad to have the opportunity to meet my namesake in a next

With the Best Wishes,

Prof. Olga Martin
Techn. Univ. of Bucharest


From: Prof. A. Walaszek-Babiszewska <>

Thank you so much for your answer and for sending me the excellent WSEAS
Conference Program.

See you at the Conference.

Best regards,
A. Walaszek-Babiszewska.


From: "Michael Bank" <>

I have to talk to our institute
president about the details of bringing a WSEAS Conference
here in Israel!

Best wishes,

Prof. Michael Bank
Mobile tell. 972 528513279
Home tell. 972 88640565
Office tell. 972 35026692
Second mail:
Personal web site:


From: "gley kheder" <>

After the very successful WSEAS Conferences of December 2007 in
Cairo, Egypt, I was really impressed.the congress was marvelous and superb.

The Chairman and the Secretariat were very kind and helpful, and the other
scientists were willing to share their experienand assist each other.

the Conference Center was good. the Hotels were good and the place was

Dr gley kheder


From: "Dheeraj Joshi" <>

Thank you very much for the big conference
With best wishes and regards

Dheeraj Joshi


From: "Aida Bulucea" <>

Regarding the conference of the WSEAS and the University of Cambridge,
I want to thank you very much . I will come to
Cambridge WSEAS Conference and I should be honoured to meet you at this
great event.

Your sincerely,

Prof. Aida Bulucea, Romania


From: "Vasile ANGHEL" <>

Thank you very much for accepting my second paper in the WSEAS Conference,
because the first one was rejected

Best Regards,

Prof. Vasile ANghel



From: "Vassilis Karakostas" <>

Eleni, I thank you and I express my congratulations
(for publishing this paper to WSEAS)
All the Best



From: "cruceanu catalin" <>

Subject: WSEAS - impressions Tenerife, dec. 2007

Distinguished Members of the
WSEAS Organizing Committee,

It really was a success the Conferences of December 2007 in Puerto De La
Cruz, Tenerife
and I want to congratulate You for organizing such scientifically events.
It was the first time I participated
to a WSEAS Conference (Mechanics
'07) and I consider that it was very interesting in the scientific aspects
presented through
papers and plenary lectures, well organized in a very pleasant and quite
"exotic" location, with very good possibilities for accommodation,
and, last but not least, not to forget the excellent banquet You organized.

So, I am going to prepare some papers again for the next 4th WSEAS
Egypt, December 29-31, 2008, in order to develop the problems I presented
for Mechanics '07, and also for The URBAN
Heraklion, Crete Island, Greece, July 22-24, 2008.

Also, if I can be, in any way be
helpful for WSEAS activities, please, do not hesitate to contact me.

In the end I want to wish You all
a happy new year and many successful achievements in 2008!

Looking forward to meet You

Assoc. Prof. Catalin Cruceanu,
Rolling Stock Engineering
University of Bucharest
313 Splaiul Independentei, sect.
6, 77206, Bucharest, ROMANIA,


From: "yyc" <>

Dear Professor

Thanks a lot for the mail.
With best wishes for increasing activities of the WSEAS

Yingchun Yang


From: "Prof. Dr. Imre J. Rudas" <>

Dear Colleague

The WSEAS Conferences are excellent and prestigious!

Best regards


Prof. Dr. Imre J. Rudas
Budapest Tech
Polytechnical Institution
Becsi ut 96/B, H-1034 Budapest, Hungary
Tel.: +36-1-219-6602
Fax: +36-1-219-6620


From: "Vadaszne dr Bognar Gabriella" <>

I have just arrived back from WSEAS Conference in Cairo

It was great. you and your colleague made a wonderful work to organize it in
this form.

I would like to take part at the American Conference on Applied
Mathematics organized in March in Massachusetts by WSEAS and the UNIVERSITY

It is really honourable for me that you consider me as a plenary speaker at
WSEAS conferences.
I wish you the best for the year 2008.
Best regards

Gabriella Bognar


From: "TSYPKIN G.G." <>

Thank you very much for nice Conference: WSEAS - University of Cambridge
Best wishes for the upcoming WSEAS Conferences

Prof. Georgy Tsypkin


From: "Bijoy Ghosh" <>

I will be happy to join in the WSEAS International Scientific
Please use the following e-mail for future




From: "James L Morrison" <>

We wouldlike to have a collaboration with your prestigious conference
on ENgineering Education



James L. Morrison
Editor-in-Chief, Innovate
Professor Emeritus of Educational Leadership
UNC-Chapel Hill


From: "Gernot Beer" <>

Dear conference organisers,
I would like to organise a special session for the Compuational Mechanics

I propose to invite
important researchers such as Venturini, Aliabadi, Antes, von Estdorf etc.
Please let me know if the topic is appropriate for the conference.

Univ.Prof. Gernot Beer
Institute for Structural Analysis
Graz University of Technology
Lessingstrasse 25, 8010 GRAZ, AUSTRIA
TEl: +43 316 873 6180
Mobile: +43 664 344 2930
FAX: +43 316 873 6185


From: "Ned Djilali" <>

Dear Prof. Mihail,

Thank you for the update. I confirm that I will be attending and
presenting in the WSEAS Conference


Ned Djilali, Ph.D., P.Eng.
Professor & Canada Research Chair
Department of Mechanical Engineering and
Institute for Integrated Energy Systems (IESVic)
University of Victoria
P.O. Box 3055, Victoria,
BC V8W 3P6 Canada
Phone: (250) 721-6034 Fax: (250) 721-6323


From: "Liang Chen" <>

Thank you for your great support. The arrangement is fine with me.

I will send you a short CV tomorrow.

With best regards,

Dr. Liang Chen, Professor
Chair of Computer Science Deparment
University of Northern British Columbia,
Prince George, BC V2N 4Z9
Email: chenl@unbc,ca,
Tel: (250) 960 5838
Fax: (250) 960 5544


From: "Mirko Novak" <>


I am very interested in cooperation with you and, of
course also in your well known WSEAS conferences.
Looking forward for your response,
With best regards
Mirko Novak


From: "Dr. Ming Li" <>

Many Thanks for your great support in the WSEAS Excellent Conferences
in Hangzhou, China, 2008

hanks. Prof. Ming Li


From: "John Moore" <>

I have just retired and am trying to reduce my commitments...letting younger
people take over these roles.....but I will be in the WSEAS Conference at
the time,
if you wish to use my name and
not much else that would be fine, but I am not so keen on reviewing or
organizing reviews for the conference...

Prof. John Moore


From: "Niels Pinkwart" <>

I want to join the WSEAS Working Group on
education & educational technology,

Looking forward to hearing from you,
Professor Dr. Niels Pinkwart


From: "Wasfy Mikhael" <>

Thanks for yout invitation for the Applied Computing conference in Istanbul.
I am working with my colleagues and assistants to contribute to this
event. I am presently attending the WSEAS conference in Madrid.
It will be my pleasure to discuss the possibility of giving a keynote

Professor Mikhael WASFY
Fellow IEEE
Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science,
College of Engineering and Computer Science,
University of Central Florida,
NOTE: It will be my pleasure to email to you a soft copy of my RESUME.


From: ""Prof. Xiren Cao"" <>

I am glad to participate in the WSEAS International Scientific
Committee, but hope the
workload will be not too heavy. Best regards, Prof. Xiren Cao


From: "karvan" <>

I will try my best to submitt a contribution to your WSEAS Journal.
Please inform me about the deadline for paper submission in WSEAS Journal on
Systems and the necessary format.


Kostas Arvanitis
Agricultural University of Athens
Assist. Professor


From: "Constantine Coutras" <>

I would like to send now 2 papers in the WSEAS

Best Regards,

Dr. Constantine Coutras


From: "Peter Stavroulakis" <>

I would like to be Plenary Speaker in the upcoming WSEAS Conferences

Prof. Peter Stavroulakis
National Technical University of Crete


From: <>

As you might remember I had participated to your big WSEAS organization on
Applied Mathematics held in Cairo-Egypt (29-31.Dec.,2007) as an invited
presenter one more time. Notice that, this participation was a great honour
form me.
First of all, I would like to thank you for your kind efforts and taking
your valuable time.
Really, your organization was excellent and everything was O.K.
Congratulations!... to the WSEAS and warm greetings.
Especially, I would like to thankful to Prof.Metin Demiralp and your staff
T. Mihail and M. Ilioudi for their kind efforts in that organization.
I would also like to thank to the Chairman of our special session
Prof.Abdullah Altin for his kind efforts and valuable recommendation.

With my best wishes and kind regards,
Yours sincerely,
Ogun Dogru

Vice Chairman of Dept. of Mathematics
Gazi University
Faculty of Science and Art
Dept. of Mathematics
06500 Teknik Okullar
Ankara, Turkey


From: "Vladimir Tosic" <>


Please find attached our proposal for a 4-hour tutorial at the WSEAS
you are organizing. The tutorial name is "XML Web Services: Standards,
Tools, and Ongoing Work towards Comprehensive Contractual Description".
The tutorial is based on our successful past tutorials in this area, as
well as our internationally recognized advanced research expertise.

We look forward to hearing from you soon.

Dr. Vladimir Tosic, Research Officer, The University of New South Wales,
Australia and Adjunct Research Professor, The University of Western
Ontario, Canada
Dr. Patrick C.K. Hung, Assistant Professor, The University of Ontario
Institute of Technology, Canada


From: "Graham Goodwin" <>
Cc: <>

It would be fine to include me in the Program Committee of the WSEAS

Best wishes
Prof. Graham Goodwin


From: "Roberto Revetria" <>

Dear WSEAS Committee

thanks to this wonderful opportunity please accept all my personal
wishes for the upcoming New Years, we hope that 2008 will increase
our cooperations, regarding the papers we are actively working on it
and we think this is a high value opportunity for us and a great
value for our research activity.

Regarding our last participation to ICOSSSE 2008 we know that a
couple of Special Session Paper are working hard for the extended
paper vesion for the Journal that is in dead line today, I am here
asking for them to have some more days in order to complete the final
version, I hope this could be a great help for them,

thanks again for your time and patience,
I remain,
Sincerely Yours,

Roberto R.

Happy 2008!

Prof. Ing. Roberto Revetria, Ph.D.
Professore Associato

Docente di Impianti Industriali e Meccanici

DIPTEM - Dipartimento di ingegneria della produzione, termoenergetica
e modelli matematici
Sezione Advanced Manufacturing Technology (M&S)
Sezione Distributed Simulation (HLA) Facility
Universita degli Studi di Genova

Ufficio Polo "Albaro" Genova
Via Opera Pia, 15
16145 genova GE
tel +39 010 3532883
fax +39 010 317750

Ufficio Polo "Bligny" di Savona
Via Cadorna, 2
17100 Savona SV
tel + 39 019 21945-106
fax ++ 39 019 21945-104

Ufficio Polo "Marconi" di La Spezia
Via dei Colli, 90
19100 La Spezia SP
tel. +39 0187 751265
fax +39 0187 778523

Ufficio di Albenga
Via delle Medaglie d'Oro, 96/2
17031 Albenga SV
tel. e fax. +39 0182 51970

Mobile + 39 320 7982156
e-mail addresses:


From: "Jen-Shih Chang" <>

Dear Prof.Bose;

We wish you many successes within the WSEAS

Jen-Shih Chang, Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus
McMaster University
NRB 118
Hamilton, Ontario
Canada L8S4M1
TEL: 1-905-525-9140 ex24924


From: <>

Dear sir,

I found your conference that held in Cairo two weeks ago an successful
conference in all standards.

with best regards,

sincerely yours,

Associate Prof.
Dr. Hamzeh Duwairi,
Mechanical Engineering Department,
Faculty of Engineering and Technology,
The University of Jordan,
11942 Amman,


From: "Hamed al-sharari" <>

Dear WSEAS committee

Thanks for organizing the WSEAS Multiconference in cairo.

Regarding to WSEAS conference in Cairo,it was very useful and well
I will be happy to be one of your review papers.

Best regards,

hamed Alsharari, PhD.
Dean, aljouf university
Saudi Arabia


From: "Huang Po-Hsian " <>

Dear Sir:
The social profile and the philanthropy of the WSEAS is well-known
I have submitted one paper to your international journal. (The filename:
30-324.pdf). I also know that your journal has a very powerful reputation.
If the paper can be accepted, I can apply some fund from our government. I
appreciate your help.

Sincerely yours,
Huang Po-Hsian


From: "Wen C. pai" <>

Thank you for your notice.
Wish you have a very nice and happy New Year!


Wen C. pai
Ph.D. of Information Engineering
Professor, Department of Business Mathematics
Soochow University


From: "Tadeusz Kaczorek" <>

Thank you for your kind invitation. I accept to be Plenary
Speaker in the WSEAS
Best regards


From: "Aida Bulucea" <>

I want to thank you very much for the message. I wish for you a Happy
New Year !
Your sincerely,
Aida Bulucea - University of Craiova


From: "Roska Tamas" <>

Dear Professor Bose,
I have just noticed that You are one of the movers behind WSEAS.
I am really sorry, I was unable to accept the kind letters of several
earlier invitations for helding a lecture. Indeed, Recently I spent
considerable time in the US (Berkeley and Notre Dame) again.
I remember our meeting in Berkeley in 1974.
May I wish you and your family all the best
Tamas Roska


From: "Lepovic Mirko" <>

Dear Prof. Bose,

Thanks for your nice wishes for the New Year. All the best for the New Year
to you also

With Best Wishes,
Mirko Lepovic


From: "Richard W Harrison" <>

Thank you Dr. Bose for the update. Have a very good New Year for you and
your WSEAS.



From: "Patrick Dewilde" <>

I shall be happy to participate in the WSEAS Conferences
I imagine that CISST is most in my area of competence.
Yours truly,
Prof. Patrick Dewilde


From: "minerva" <>


Thanks a lotforall your efforts
Best regards,

Jongman Cho


From: "Dr. Saman K. Halgamuge" <>

My warmest wishes for the WSEAS also




From: <liz5@Lehigh.EDU>

Dear Amit:

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you !
Hope you have a successful and fruitful new year for our WSEAS
Thank you for the email.


From: "amit manocha" <>

Respected sir,
thanx a lot for ur warm wishes.
i wish u a very Happy New Year. For all the WSEAS

with thanx and regards
Amit manocha
New Delhi, INDIA


From: "Sonja Currie" <>

Dear sirs,

The WSEAS conferences in Cairo were pretty good. The facilities were fine
and the
Chairman and the Secretariat were helpful.
Thanks to everyone involved in organizing.

Prof. Sonja Currie


From: Prof. A. Tangel <>

The WSEAS Conferences in Egypt were perfect and high quality (as usual in

Thanks a lot



From: "Zivic, Natasa" <>

Thank you very much for your information and good news. I am really glad
that my paper was accepted
in WSEAS Journals that are considered well-established and highly reputable

Best regards

Natasa Zivic

Dipl.-Ing. Natasa Zivic, Dr. ET
University of Siegen
- Institute for Data Communications Systems -
Hoelderlinstrasse 3
D-57068 Siegen / Germany
Phone: +49-271-740-3322
Fax: +49-271-740-2536


From: "Darmesah Bt Gabda" <>

I'm very glad that my paper will have a chance to be published in the Book
of Springer Verlag
just after your fantastic conference
Thank you very much. I'm really appreciate it.

thank you.

Darmesah Bt Gabda


From: "Daniel Riahi" <>

Thank you very much for your email and the latest great achievemnets
of the WSEAS. I confirm that I will be in the Conference (Mexico

Prof. Daniel N. Riahi,



From: <>

Thanks for your acceptance of our papers postid 559-300,559-332
in the WSEAS Conference in Tenerife.
We hope you can publish the two papers in the WSEAS Journals.

All the Best

Yuan-ming Yang



Thank you very much. I will follow the guideline.
The collaboration of WSEAS with Springer Verlag in editing
several post-conference books is important

Best Regards
S. Seyedtabaii


From: "METIN ALTAN" <>

thank you very much for your information,

The WSEAS is an excellent publisher and a great scientific society



From: "LXu" <>

Include me in the WSEAS Committee of the Conference


From: "Zoran Bojkovic" <>

Congratulations for the Excellent WSEAS Conferences
I have been attended them since 1999
Every year I attend more than 2-3 WSEAS Conferences

Prof. Zoran Bojkovic



I wish you and to our reputable WSEAS the BEST
Dr.Stefanos Gerasimou
National Technical University of Athens

From: Leonel Pereira <>

I just put a link to the conference on the page of my Department.
See please the following link:

I appreciate your invitation for participation in the well-known and
WSEAS conferences

Kind Regards
Leonel Pereira


From: Anders Lindquist <>

I shall be happy to join the committtee of WSEAS


Anders Lindquist

Professor Anders Lindquist
Optimization and Systems Theory
Department of Mathematics
Royal Institute of Technology
100 44 Stockholm, Sweden

Telephone: +46-8-7907311 (office), +46-8-7564864 (home)
Telefax: +46-8-225320
Mobile: +46-708-877328


From: <>

Thank you very much! Happy new year to you, dear WSEAS,too!

Zhang ZF


From: "John K. Sakellaris" <>
To: "Bimal Bose" <>
Cc: Prof.S.Manias <>

Dear Professor Bose,
There is an amazing coincidence between your tutorial speech, given in the
conference, that I organized during November 2007 at Venice and the book
'Power Electronics' written by Professor Manias. The slide number 10 of your
tutorial speech, which is in the attached file, is almost the same compared
to the front cover of the book "Power Electronics" written by Professor
I remain yours sincerely,

Alltogether to make the WSEAS great!

Dr. John K. Sakellaris
National Technical University of Athens


From: "Ashok K. Keshari" <>


Thank you very much for your help
Warm Greetings to all the WSEAS People

Ashok K. Keshari


From: "Geoge lee" <>

Good luck and great success for the great forthcoming
WSEAS Conferences

Best Regards:

China luohe petrochemical group

Geoge lee

No.35 Changjiang Road,Luohe City,Henan Province,P.R.CHINA
Post code;462002


From: "noorizam daud" <>

Dear Sir,

Thanks for the acceptance of the paper in Springer Verlag Journal after the
WSEAS Congress. I will
follow the required format closely. Thank you.



From: "Nadia Lassouaoui" <>

Dear Professor,

Thank you for including our Chapters in our Springer Verlag Book,
just after your WSEAS Conference



From: "Daphne Halkias, PhD" <>

Congratulations for all the WSEAS Activities. I appreciate
your hard academic efforts.

I read the following on WSEAS e-mail:


Research project of WSEAS + Laboratory of Computer Science of the Hellenic
Naval Academy
funded by European Union and Hellenic Ministry of National Defense

I have had 20 years experience in issues of lifelong learning from multiple
perspectives at the university level. I want to join this project as a
How do I get involved???

Will be waiting to hear from you.

Best regards--

Daphne Halkias, PhD
Visiting Professor
Senior Research Fellow
Consultant for Special Projects to the Executive Vice President
Hellenic American University
Athens Campus
12 Kaplanon Street
Athens, Greece 10680
Tel: +306932492344
Fax: +302103633174


From: "Tamara Polubesova" <>


Happy New Year and all the best to you.
Tamara Polubesova


From: "lisz2662" <>

Happy New Year for all the WSEAS Members and WSEAS Friends

from Prof.Dr. S.Z.Li


From: "fang" <>

Thank you for your kindness permission to let us have more time to make our
papers better for conference presentation. We will do our best to collect
papers to conference as well as keep the good quality. Thank you again for
helping us to gain more time for 2008 WSEAS HangZou conference. (This period
of time we have many things gathering together and they all have time limit.
So, it is really help to allow us share more time. Thanks!) Sincerely,

Prof. Rong-Jyue Fang


From: "djaghloul younes" <>

all is Ok...
Best regards, my WSEAS Friends

Djaghloul Younes


From: <>

Dear WSEAS Officers

Thank you for your Email.
I wish you Happy and
very successful NEW Year.
Prof. M. Slonim


From: <>

Wish you a Happy and Prosperous New Year



From: "Dragan Saletic" <dragsal@EUnet.yu>

The WSEAS Conferences are considered the most important
Happy New year!


prof. Dragan Saletic


From: "Albert Kurbatsky" <>

I have received your letter from December, 31st.
Thanks you for the honour given to me to present a plenary lecture at
I hope it to prepare in the best possible way and all to make in due time.
Today eve of New Year,
HAPPY NEW YEAR for the important WSEAS people!!!!

Albert F. Kurbatskiy.


From: "mazinan" <>

Dear Prof.,


I thank you very much for the WSEAS Conferences that you organized


From: "rg zhong" <>

Dear Organizer

My impressions from the congress in Cairo are EXCELLENT
Everything was OK. The Chairman was all the day with us in the conference
and the Secretariat Girls Were willing to help me and the other scientists
The Conference Center was unbeatable and the Hotel (5 Star) was fantastic.
Not to mention the excursion in Nile and Pyramides


Ru-Gang Zhong


From: Prof.K.S.Thoma <>

I have submitted 4 papers in your conference, but only 2 of them were
I hope to pass the 2 rejected papers in another conference outside the WSEAS
Also, i need your collaboration in a conference that I will organize in
Many Thanks



From: <>

Hopping that you are in best conditions, after my registration in Cairo
conference, would you please send me again the user name and password,
because I have missed them.
The WSEAS Conferences are always EXCELLENT
with best regards,

sincerely yours,

Associate Professor,
Dr. Hamzeh Duwairi,
Mechanical Engineering Department,
Faculty of Engineering & Technology,
The University of Jordan,
11942 Amman,


From: "nita ravi patne" <>

Sir/Mam,Thank you so much for your responce.
We know how much prestigious and reputable are the WSEAS Conferences
and the WSEAS Journals

We will Wait the result of the review process
Regards,Mrs. Patne.


From: "Hamed al-sharari" <>


Happy new year

Best regards,

Hamed alsharari, PhD.
Dean, college of Engineering, aljouf university
Saudi Arabia


From: "Fatimah Almah binti Saaid" <>

Thank you so much for giving us this golden opportunity
in ISI Books and Journals
As required, we will get things done prior to Jan 31, 08.

Thank you again!

Kindest regards,

Fatimah Almah Saaid
Senior Researcher
Telekom Research & Development (TM Group)
Applied Research Division
Idea-Tower, UPM-MTDC, Lebuh Silikon
43400 Serdang, Selangor, MALAYSIA
+603 89441823, +6013 3970000,,


From: "???" <>

Many Thanks for your great activities

Dr Fuxiao Jin


From: <>

The WSEAS congress was very important and useful for discovering new axis of

The president and the secretariat are friendly and very helpful.

Thank you very much for this scientific event, and I hope that we will
have other opportunities to participate in WSEAS conferences.


Prof. T. Agouti


From: <>

Dear sir

pls help me to publish my paper in Springer Verlag - WSEAS




From: "boudiaf noura" <>

Thank you very much for giving us the opportunity
to publish in Springer Verlag book,
after the wsEAS great multiconference

Many Thanks



From: "Yuan Shyi P. Chiu" <>

We sincerely appreciate your prompt response and kind arrangement of our

When we come back from Mexico,
we'll look into organizing a a Special
Session in the future WSEAS Conferences
With kind regards.

Sincerely yours,

Yuan-Shyi Peter Chiu
Dept. of IE&M


From: "Zuzana Martinakova" <>

thank you very much for sending me the WSEAS publications. I am looking
to see you in next conference. I was very busy in last time but I hope I
will be better next months. Unfortunately I can not take part on the
WSEAS conferences in Bucharest, because I am at that time abroad and busy.
Maybe we can organize one special section during the 8th WSEAS conf.
Systems theory and scientific computation in Rodos or during the 3th
WSEA conf. on Applied Mathematics in Puerto De La Cruz.
What do you thing about this idea?
Thank you very much for the collaboration.
Many kind regards

Prof. Zuzana Martinakova


From: "dragos ilie" <>

I am extremely honoured that you have decided for me to become a reviewer
for the attached paper.
I am at your disposal whenever it is necessary, with greatest pleasure.
With special esteem for you and WSEAS

Dragos Ilie


From: "Yimin Yu" <>

Congratulation for your successful WSEAS confernce. I hope the conference
like this will be held every year.
Prof. Yimin Yu


From: "Ji Gao" <>

Dear Organizor,

Thank you very much for WSEAS.
Best regards,

Dr. Ji Gao
Full Professor of Mathematics Department
Community College of Philadelphia
1700 Spring Garden Street
Philadelphia, Pa 19130-3991



Dear WSEAS Staff

Thank you very much. The WSEAS conferences are so nice

Best Regards


From: <>

Thank you, very much (for the WSEAS Conferences in the University of
Cambridge (Great Britain) and Harvard (USA))
My best wishes

Prof. V.Riznyk


From: "Rachid Beguenane" <>

What I can say is that the WSEAS conference was perfect and very well
from many point of views
(Conference location, banquet, conference staff was very kind and ready to
answer our questions, ...).

Best regards,

Prof. Rachid Beguenane


From: "Gilberto Perez Lechuga" <>

I will work my paper to publish it in WSEAS and I hope finish on time.

Best regards.



WSEAS will publish yours comments of 2008

and will circulate them in a booklet!

We want to share with you the following
Good news of our Society

1) All The recent volumes of WSEAS in 2008 have been included in ISI
(Thomson) Index. WSEAS has just received the Certificate for the Volumes
for the Conferences that WSEAS organized in the University of Harvard (April
2008) (WSEAS Conferences in the University of Harvard).

2) Due to the very high number of WSEAS subscriptions and orders for 2008,
WSEAS is in the very pleaseant position to announce you
that from 15 May 2008, all
the WSEAS BOOKS and WSEAS Journals related with Signal Processing,
Telecommunications, Informatics, Environment, Development are printed
in full color (not gray scale). We hope to have also the Applied Mathematics
WSEAS Conferences in full color (4-colored OFFSET) soon.

3) The Next Conferences of WSEAS in Portugal are under the aegis
and support of the Minister of Science and Technology.
WSEAS wants to inform you that in the opening ceremony will be:
Joao Guerreiro, Rector of the University of Algarve
Emilia Costa, Dean of the Faculty FERN
Thomas Panagopoulos, Local organizer
Isilda Varges Gomes, Governador Civil of the Region
José Apolinário, President of the Municipality of Faro

WSEAS wants to inform you that in the closing ceremony will be:
Joao Guerreiro, Rector of the University of Algarve
Teresa Noronha, CIEO research center leader,
Jamila Madeira, European Deputy
Peter Nijkamp, Free University, Amsterdam

The Political and Academic authorities of the University will address
greetings in the Conferences EEESD and LAA in Portugal

4)The same for the WSEAS Conferences in Sofia (Bulgaria). The academic
authorities were present
See photos:

WSEAS had the honor of having the following academic personalities who
opened the conferences NN'08, FS'08, EC'08, and MMACTEE'08:
Prof. Rumen Pranchov - Vice Rector of Technical University of Sofia.
Prof. Petko Petkov - Corresponding member of the Bulgarian Academy of
Prof. Dimitar Dimitrov - Dean of Faculty of Automatics.
Prof. Valeri Mladenov - Head of department Theory of Electrical Engineering.

5) WSEAS would like to extend our deadline for our invited speakers

In general, potential WSEAS authors can upload their papers for the WSEAS
Bucharest (Romania) until May 31
and for Trondheim (Norway) and Heraklion (Crete Island, Greece) until June

publications in an ISI
Book (Thomson), CD-ROM Proceedings + Springer Verlag Book (as in
2007), Cambridge Press Book or Journal or University Press Book or
Journal or NAUN Journal or WSEAS Transactions or in ISI Journals of
Taylor & Francis, LLC, EDP Sciences, Hindaawi, World Scientific
Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. and Springer

ATTENTION: **********>
For Crete you can upload your paper(s) until June 15
for this conference:
and you can make registration until June 30.

All submissions will be blind-reviewed by an international programme

The language of the conference will be English and we invite full
research papers as well as industry project reports, work-in-progress
papers, and position papers.

Full details about the conference, including fees, travel,
accommodation, and submission instructions, can be accessed on the
conference Web site or me by email

You are also invited to organize a WSEAS Special Session in the same WSEAS
for example: WSEAS CSCC (Crete)
or in any other WSEAS Event
Also, you must know that successful Session Organizers participate
absolutely free in the WSEAS
conferences and can select the best 3 papers from their Session for WSEAS
More details:

The papers of your WSEAS Special Session can have publication in an ISI
CD-ROM Proceedings + WSEAS Transactions

Note that the WSEAS Transactions are Covered
by EI, SCOPUS, IEE etc... ( see )
See the WSEAS Journals and their impact:
They are Open Access Journals (i.e. the PDF is given free to all the
academic community)
and so it is the ideal forum for you to receive many citation

See also the
ISI Books of WSEAS (ISI of Thomson):

The WSEAS CSCC Multiconference attracts each year the attention of
more than 1000 participants. This year the 12th WSEAS CSCC (i.e.
Circuits-Systems-Communications-Computers 2008) will take place in
Heraklion, the capital of Crete Island (Greece) in July:
The WSEAS CSCC has created a brilliant history and as you can see from the
previous proceedings, it takes papers from famous university teams of
the top research universities (Its Proceedings are published in ISI
Books:, while as previous years the best
papers are published in WSEAS Journals, Springer Verlag Volumes, and
many other indepenent journals.

The Recent Speakers of WSEAS CSCC :
----------------------------------> Lotfi Zadeh, Dimitri Bertsekas,
Sunil Das, Bimal K. Bose, Janusz Kacprzyk, Leonid Kazovsky, Rao
Kamissety, Ronald Yager, Narsingh Deo, Sidney Burrus, Biswa N. Datta,
Mihai Putinar, Stamatios Kartalopoulos, David Staelin, A. Bers,
Athanasios Manikas, Wlodzislaw Duch, George Giannakis, Nikos Markatos,
Wasfy B Mikhael, Valeri Mladenov, Panos Pardalos, George Tsamasphyros,
Tadeusz Kaczorek, Leon Chua, Irwin W. Sandberg, Constantin Udriste,
Andris Buikis, Metin Demiralp , Michael N. Katehakis, Imre J. Rudas,
Brian A. Barsky, Dimitris Kazakos, Alexey L Sadovski, Amedeo
Andreotti, Ion Carstea, Sudip Misra, Victor-Emil Neagoe, Panos M.
Pardalos, Hamid Abachi, Ryszard S. Choras, Hamido Fujita, Josef Boercsoek,
Dumitru Cazacu, Costas G. Helmis, Zhixin Wang, Sankar K. Pal, Ulrich
Albrecht, Jim Cunningham, Dorian Cojocaru,
Andrzej Ordys, Fumiaki Imado, Milan Stork, Remi Leandre, Kleanthis
Psarris, Kinshuk, Moustapha Diaby, Brian McCartin, Patrick Wang,
Costin Cepisca, Charles Long, Gabriela Bognar, Angel Kuri-Morales,
Jiancheng Guan, and many others ....


WSEAS NN-FS-EC-MMACTEE-Sofia-Bulgaria-May-2008 (74 images)

Post-Conference Report for the WSEAS Conferences:
NN'08, FS'08, EC'08 and MMACTEE '08
Sofia, Bulgaria, May 2-4, 2008

a.. This report contains 74 images copyrighted by the WSEAS. All rights

a.. If you need some image with high resolution please click on the images

a.. If you need some image with extremely high resolution, contact us by

WSEAS organized the following parallel conferences:

a.. 9th WSEAS Int. Conf. on NEURAL NETWORKS (NN'08)
a.. 9th WSEAS Int. Conf. on FUZZY SYSTEMS (FS'08)

We had the honor of having the following academic personalities who opened
the conferences NN'08, FS'08, EC'08, and MMACTEE'08:

Prof. Rumen Pranchov - Vice Rector of TU-Sofia.
Prof. Petko Petkov - Corresponding member of the Bulgarian Academy of
Prof. Dimitar Dimitrov - Dean of Faculty of Automatics.
Prof. Valeri Mladenov - Head of department Theory of Electrical Engineering.
Prof. Nikos Mastorakis - Executive Director of WSEAS and Director of
Computer Sci.Lab at Hellenic Naval Academy.

With pride, WSEAS received the following Important contributions and
upgraded them as keynote and plenary lectures:

Plenary Lecture 1:

Quadratic Optimization Models and Algorithms. One Algorithm for Linear
Bound Constraints based on Neural Networks
by Prof. Nicolae Popoviciu, Hyperion University of Bucharest, ROMANIA.

Plenary Lecture 2:

Meta-adaptation: neurons that change their mode
by Prof. Dominic Palmer-Brown, University of East London, UNITED

Plenary Lecture 3:

Use of Intelligent Evolutionary Agents in the Analysis of Genomic
By Prof. Paul Dan Cristea, University "Politehnica" of Bucharest,

Plenary Lecture 4:

Travelling waves of the form of compactons, peakons, cuspons and their
CNN realization
by Prof. Petar Popivanov, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, BULGARIA.

Plenary Lecture 5:

From Fuzzy Systems to Fuzzy Networks
by Prof. Alexander Gegov, University of Portsmouth, UNITED KINGDOM.

Plenary Lecture 6:

Fuzzy Techniques in Optimization-Based Analog Design
by Prof. Gabriel Oltean, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, ROMANIA.

Plenary Lecture 7:

Fuzzy Models in Bioinformatics
by Prof. Tuan D. Pham, James Cook University, AUSTRALIA.

Plenary Lecture 8:

Some IP Security Issues
By Prof. Zoran Bojkovic, University of Belgrade, SERBIA.

Plenary Lecture 9:

Towards Narrowing The Gap Between Artificial Intelligence & Its
by Prof. Suash Deb, National Institute of Science & Technology, INDIA.

WSEAS provides a very important tool to all the participants
A permanent username and password for accessing WSEAS conference proceedings
on-line for ever.

WSEAS Conference Statistics
Submitted papers: 523
Accepted papers: 210
acceptance ratio = (Number of accepted papers / Number of Submitted)*100 =

Click a picture to see a larger view.


Review Process:
Each paper was reviewed at least by 3 independent reviewers. The WSEAS
Secretariat sent each paper to 5 reviewers. Some papers received reviews
from 5 different referees. The WSEAS Secretariat forwarded these comments by
personalized emails to the responsible for the correspondence author. The
full list of the reviewers will be available in the web page:

Additional features of the conferences :

1) Publication of the Proceedings in 3 media: hard-copy, CD, E-Library
(A) Five books in the "Electrical and Computer Engineering Series" of WSEAS
(see details, contents, author indices and editors below) with ISBN and ISSN
indexed by the major Citation Indices (ISI ranked):

(B) CD-ROM Proceedings with pages' numbers with ISBN and ISSN indexed by
the major Citation Indexes:

(C) E-Library:

and possible, for a very small number of papers:

(D) JOURNAL PUBLICATION: Expanded and enhanced versions of papers published
in the conference proceedings also going to be considered for possible
publication in one of the WSEAS journals that participate in the major
International Scientific Indices (Elsevier, Scopus, EI, Compendex, INSPEC,
CSA .... see:


2) WSEAS provides a very important tool to all the participants; a permanent
username and password for accessing WSEAS conference proceedings on-line for

3) The Participants received numerous coffee-breaks, and a Welcome Drink

4) Cultural and social activities as customary in WSEAS events.

5) The conference Books (Hard-Copy Proceedings), CD-ROM proceedings and
Journals (with selected papers) published by WSEAS Press continue to sell
for a long time after the meeting has taken place. This is another
demonstration of the prestige the scientific community attribute to the
meetings organized by the WSEAS.
For example, they are distributed via AMAZON: WSEAS @ AMAZON.COM

Books (hard-copy of the Proceedings):

Advanced Topics on Neural Networks
Honorary Editors: Lotfi A. Zadeh, Janusz Kacprzyk.
Editors: Dimitar P. Dimitrov, Valeri Mladenov, Snejana Jordanova, Nikos
Pages: 240 pages,
Price: 70 EUR
[Contents], [Order], [Full PDF of the Papers], [Help]

Advanced Topics on Fuzzy Systems
Honorary Editors: Lotfi A. Zadeh, Janusz Kacprzyk.
Editors: Dimitar P. Dimitrov, Valeri Mladenov, Snejana Jordanova, Nikos
Pages: 240 pages,
Price: 70 EUR
[Contents], [Order], [Full PDF of the Papers], [Help]

Advanced Topics on Evolutionary Computing
Honorary Editors: Lotfi A. Zadeh, Janusz Kacprzyk.
Editors: Dimitar P. Dimitrov, Valeri Mladenov, Snejana Jordanova, Nikos
Pages: 160 pages,
Price: 50 EUR
[Contents], [Order], [Full PDF of the Papers], [Help]

Computational Methods and Intelligent Systems
Honorary Editors: Lotfi A. Zadeh, Janusz Kacprzyk.
Editors: Dimitar P. Dimitrov, Valeri Mladenov, Snejana Jordanova, Nikos
Pages: 340 pages,
Price: 90 EUR
[Contents], [Order], [Full PDF of the Papers], [Help]

What is the Permanent Procedure for additional Journal publication for a
very small number of High-Quality Papers presented in the WSEAS Conferences
in Bulgaria (after the recommendation of Chairmen). So, the authors with
accepted & presented papers received the following e-mail:

We have started now the procedure for the evaluation of the extended
versions of your papers for possible inclusion in the WSEAS journals after
new rounds of review.

INTRODUCTION: You know that our goal is to maintain very strong
international journals, to increase the impact of our beloved WSEAS
Transactions, really top journals as they really are. To this end, we need
only high quality papers, breakthrough works of archival value, i.e. papers
that are well written from any point of view, completed studies (with their
numerical examples or experiments that must be compared with the previous
results in the literature), excellent English language and of course correct
WSEAS format. The papers also must be substantially extended version of the
paper that was presented in the conference (with more than 40% new
material). We need papers that will attract the attention of other scholars
citing them increasing our impact. In the next few years, the WSEAS
transactions must be in every academic library, in every corner of the
earth. To this end, we need your high quality contribution.


a) Check very carefully if your idea is really important, breakthrough in
your field and can appear in a Journal of the quality and the level of the
WSEAS Transactions. If you doubt, do not send it so easily. Your paper must
not be only a good idea. It must be a complete study with theoretical
background, complete bibliographical references; without grammatical and
syntactical errors. For theoretical works: full comparison with previous
published papers is necessary. We need numerical examples, applicability of
the method, originality, novelty and directions for future research. For
experimental or computational works: full comparison with previous published
papers is necessary. We need real experiments with the necessary
documentation, while for computational work, we need full benchmarks. Of
course along discussions for the applicability of the method, originality,
novelty and directions for future research.

b) Complete the extended version of your paper and upload it via
http://............... (the full web address was given only to authors who
presented a paper)

c) If your extended version fulfills the paragraph a), then our Editors will
send it to 3 independent Reviewers outside your country. If not, our Editors
are entitled to reject it from this early stage informing you properly. The
positive answer of the 3 reviewers is necessary (attention: 2 yes and 1 no
implies NO, i.e. rejection).

d) Our Editors will collect the reviewers' remarks and will send them again
to you for acceptance/ acceptance after minor revision / acceptance after
major revision / rejection

e) Possibly new rounds of review will be needed.

f) No additional fee is needed in case of acceptance.

The final list of the papers must have the approval of our Editors and 3
Reviewers, and of course the Editor-in-Chief of the particular Journal.

We want only authors that presented their papers to complete this web form:
http://............... (the full web address was given only to authors who
presented a paper) So, in this form you will need a password (the password
was given only to the authors who presented a paper).

To be announced soon.

PROCEEDINGS: The Proceedings related to the Conference are covered by:
02. INSPEC (IET, former IEE)
03. CSA (Cambridge Scientific Abstracts)
04. ELSEVIER and Elsevier Bibliographic Database
07. MATHSCINET of AMS (American Mathematical Society)
08. MATHEMATICAL REVIEWS of AMS (American Mathematical Society)
09. Directory of Published Proceedings
10. Computer Science Bibliography Administrator
11. American Chemical Society and its Index: Chemical Abstracts Service
12. European Library in Paris (France)
13. DEST Database (Australia)
14. Engineering Information
18. Compendex (CPX)
23. OceanBase
24. BEILSTEIN Abstracts
25. World Textiles
27. British Library
28. National Library of Greece
29. German National Library of Science and Technology
30. IARAS Index

The WSEAS journals are covered by:
01. ISI through the INSPEC (IEE)
02. INSPEC (IET, former IEE)
03. CSA (Cambridge Scientific Abstracts)
04. ELSEVIER and Elsevier Bibliographic Database
06. MATHSCINET of AMS (American Mathematical Society)
08. MATHEMATICAL REVIEWS of AMS (American Mathematical Society)
09. Computer Science Bibliography Administrator
10. British Library
11. American Chemical Society and its Index: Chemical Abstracts Service
12. European Library in Paris (France)
13. DEST Database (Australia)
14. Swets Information Services
15. Engineering Information
19. Compendex (CPX)
20. Geobase
24. OceanBase
25. BEILSTEIN Abstracts
26. World Textiles
28. Mayersche
29. Index of Information Systems Journals
30. National Library of Greece
31. IARAS Index

From these excellent and well-organized conferences, WSEAS Press published
also 4 Books that contain the conference proceedings.
Please, order them from the WSEAS Press:

.: SOCIAL PART (Coffee-Breaks, Banquet, Excursions)
During the Banquet, that took place in a taverna inside the University
Campus, Professor Mladenov and Professor Mastorakis invited all the chairmen
and co-organizers of the previous NN, FS and EC (Prof. R.Freund, Prof. T.
Pham, Prof. D. Simian, Prof. A. Madureira), to address some short speeches
to WSEAS participants. They emphasized how important is the collaboration of
WSEAS with well-known universities (like Harvard, MIT, Cambridge (UK)) and
they promised to continue organizing WSEAS conferences in collaboration with
local universities for mutual academic benefits.

In his Speech, Prof. Mastorakis gave emphasis on the applications of
Computational Intelligence in the upcoming Web 3.0, and promised to announce
for a workshop or conference about Web 3.0 and Social Networking with
interaction with the fields of Computational / Artificial Intelligence.

The academic authorities of the university participated also in the banquet,
and many participants had the opportunity for public relations and for
establishing collaborations for various academic projects.

The menu in Banquet included a variety of genuine traditional food from
Bulgaria with local and European/International music. Almost all the
participants participated in the entertainment that started from 20:00 and
finished at 1:30 after midnight.

During the afternoon of the third day, some attendees participated in an
excursion on the mountain "Vitosha", with lift ("teleferic") with
spectacular view of all the Sofia's plateau, snows and ski facilities.

At the end, all the attendees promised to participate again in the next
WSEAS Conference in Prague, Czech Republic in 2009, where the conference
will take place again inside the University with support and sponsorship of
the University.

.: See your feedback about the Conference: